2.19 | Expressive Activity

2.19.A | Any person is allowed, subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions, to engage in expressive activities on campus, including by responding to the expressive activities of others.

2.19.B | Student organizations and employees are allowed to invite speakers to speak on campus. In determining the amount of a fee to be charged for use of the University's facilities for purposes of engaging in expressive activities, the University may consider only content-neutral and viewpoint-neutral criteria related to the requirements of the event, such as the proposed venue and the expected size of the audience, any anticipated need for campus security, any necessary accommodations, and any relevant history of compliance or noncompliance by the requesting student organization or employee with this rule and other relevant rules. The University may not consider any anticipated controversy related to the event.

2.19.C | The University may not act against a student organization or deny the organization any benefit generally available to other student organizations at the University of the basis of a political, religious, philosophical, ideological, or academic viewpoint expressed by the organization or of any expressive activities of the organization.

2.19.D | The common outdoor areas of the University's campus are deemed traditional public forums. Any person is permitted to engage in expressive activities in these areas freely, as long as the person's conduct:

  1. Is not unlawful; and
  2. Does not materially and substantially disrupt the functioning of the institution.

2.19.E | Members of the University community are allowed to assemble or distribute written material in common outdoor areas without a permit or other permission from the institution.